How is grade level placement decided?

Two bits of important data are taken into consideration when making class/grade placement: Birthdate and most recently completed grade.

In Mexico the cut off date for grade placement is December 31.  Any student who turns the age appropriate to a particular grade prior to December 31 is placed in that grade. See the table below for placement information.

Age as of December 31 - Grade Placement   
3 - Kinder 1*       
4 - Kinder 2*
5 - Kinder 3
6 - Grade 1
7 - Grade 2
8 - Grade 3
9 - Grade 4
10 - Grade 5
11 - Grade 6
12 - Grade 7
13 - Grade 8
14 - Grade 9

*Note: Must be potty trained

The other factor that is always considered is the most recently completed grade.  For instance, if a child has just completed Grade 1 in Canada, but who qualifies to be in Grade 3 this year (due to birthday) will not be placed in Grade 3 because that child has not completed Grade 2. Conversely, a student who has recently completed Grade 2 but is not, by Mexican rules, the proper age for Grade 3, will not be prevented from entering Grade 3.